How to Reduce the Stress of Home Improvements

Any homeowner who has enjoyed the beauty of a new home renovation knows that beauty didn’t come without a price. And it's not the all about the benjamins kind of price, but also the toll on your sanity.

To get through your home renovations, and to help you keep your eye on the prize, there are a few things you can do to stay calm and carry-on during a remodel.

The easiest place to start is to have realistic expectation about what can be done with what you’re workin’ with. Your master bedroom isn’t going to have that glorious sunset view if it’s facing east, and if money isn’t in the budget for an addition, there is only so much you can fit in an area no matter how amazing the contractor.

Speaking of budgets: make a solid one, and then add 10 percent above that for the unplanned expenses that will happen. Mistakes add up as do the costs that come with them. A paint color you thought you’d love looks like something a baby produces instead, or the measurements you thought were spot on for the new appliances were a little short, and now your trifecta of stainless perfection is sitting in the middle of your floor.

Finding an awesome contractor is one of the best things you can do to make things run smoother. Does the pro respond to you professionally? Is he or she insured? Does this person return your call promptly, and more importantly; is the contractor upfront about how they do work and how they require payments from you?

Even when you have the contractor of your dreams, you should expect to hurry up and wait from time-to-time. Items go out of stock or are shipped in the wrong color, size, or style. Also, the lack of skilled labor in this country can mean having to wait for the contractor to wrangle up qualified people to tackle the job.

You’ll do well to make the most out of the inconvenience that’s descended upon your household. You might not have use of your torn apart kitchen, but grilling in the backyard can become part of some of your family’s treasured memories. Or, camping out in your living room while the upstairs is being renovated can be a great time to reconnect. The trials and tribulations of your home improvement project will become family lore later.

All-in-all, you’re going to have to take a deep breath and let go a bit (or a lot). I’m not saying don’t manage the renovation process, but do realize that things are gonna get messy, and there are going to be situations beyond your control.

A home renovation or remodel is a good time to learn the serenity prayer. But, in all seriousness, a lot of chaos and disarray is left behind. A contractor will clean up the big stuff, but a lot is still left behind.

Go ahead and treat yourself to a cleaning crew to take care of the mess that’s been left behind. You can savor the new, gleaming makeover your home has had, that hopefully, you won’t sweat over too badly because you took the steps to reduce your stress though the renovation or remodel process.

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