When You Should Use a Handyman

The Handyman Can, so You Don't Have to!

We've all had those moments as a homeowner: you go to an art fair, really just to look around and hang with friends and, somehow instead of coming home with just indigestion, you come home with a large piece of art that reminds you of your dog (maybe that's just me); or maybe, the glossy, austere beauty of Ikea got the best of you, and now you're the owner of an incomprehensible set of instructions, a life size puzzle box of wood, and possibly the right tools for the job.

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It seems simple enough, to hang a picture or build an entertainment center, but there's plenty of reasons these home projects could have speed bumps to completions. Don't leave your home projects collecting dust. Hire the help you need if the task is too much: hire a handyman.

When is the best time to defer to the better skills of a handyman? Well, a simple rule of thumb is to ask yourself these few questions before you you decide whether or not you can DIY-it.

Could you do it yourself? I mean, really? Do you have the right tools? Do you have the knowledge? YouTube is awesome and all, but will it translate into workable know-how for you? Do you need a level? Do you know how to use one? You don't want to hang a shelf and have everything slide off. Drills? Screws? Anchors? Worse than a shelf with a tilt, would be one that obeyed the laws of gravity too well, and crashed to the ground with all of your prized possessions with it.

If all of the above rings true, do you have the time to get the home improvement project done? Our time is valuable. What would you rather do with your weekend, hang pictures, fix leaky sinks, install new light fixtures, put up shelves or go hang out with your friends and family and relax after a long week?

Speaking of time . . . how long is it going to take? More importantly, will it take more than a day? If so, does that sound like something you want to tackle? Do you want that responsibility?

How much are you on the hook for? If the entire job isn't going to cost you much to do on your own, and you know that if you messed it up, it won't cost you too much, then it's probably a job you can handle yourself.

Can you go it alone? Do you need to phone a friend? If you must have help to complete your home improvement project, then it might be time to bring in a service pro to get your project done for you.

So, now that you've decide to go ahead and hire a handyman to help you with your home repairs and home improvements, here are a few things to ask your prospective handyman:

Make a list of what you need done before you contact a handyman.
Use a vetted and verified business.
Is the business licensed, bonded, and insured?
Request estimates for both labor and materials ahead of time.
Make a schedule for the work.
Is there a guarantee on the work?

Get those works of art hung, shelves installed, leaky sinks fixed, and your home set to rights. Let service.com find the right handyman . To get started, sign up below for free today! Pluse, enjoy this promo code at checkout when you hire, chat, and pay with service.com.


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